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企 业 名 称:东莞市励晶机电厂外贸部

所 属 网 库:东莞通讯网库

联 系 人:刘先生先生

员 工 人 数:101 - 200 人

主 营 产 品:天控器 太阳能跟踪器推杆 DC马达 电动推杆 螺杆滚牙制作 机械配件 非标零件制作 冶具设计制作 滚珠螺杆 电动缸

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 东莞市 东莞市寮步镇向西工业区

联 系 电 话:86-769-82222222

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邮 政 编 码:523808

移 动 电 话:15016....点击此处可查看手机号

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  • 135****5692
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    注 册 资 金:未知

    经 营 模 式:私营合伙企业 ;生产加工

    主 营 行 业:机械零部件加工 卫星天线 减速机、变速机 特殊电机 太阳能发电机组


      东莞市励晶机电厂 位于广东省东莞市寮步镇向西工业区东区路11号,主要从事机电产品生产和五金件加工等。公司秉承“高效,创新,诚信,共赢”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的减速电机,,太阳能跟踪器推杆,DC马达,电动推杆的生产和售后技术服务。欢迎惠顾!Lijing Electromechanical Co.,Ltd locates in dongguan city, Guangdong province ,China. We produce linear actuator for solar tracker,for satellite dish,for car/gate automation.Our output is more than 300,000 every month now. Our possessing area are more than 15,000 square meters and the number of staffs is 162, and 25 persons are professional technicians. And that there are six collaboration factories. What we provide: 1.Electromechanical Products:Linear actuators for solar tracking and satellite dish.Solar tracking systems and parts,Solar actuator,Ball Screw Linear actuator,Heavy duty actuators.2.Hardware Processing:Engine parts and Non-Standard parts processing.CNC Precision lathe Processing. Our strategy is to exceed the cost-effectiveness of existing photovoltaic-based systems through innovations in both the collection of solar energy and the generation of electric power from it. We are also strong in OEM project with our innovative engineers and specialized machineries.We have started successful cooperation with leading manufacturers in Europe and North America,and is seeking more opportunities.We think of the quality of product as our lives.We have established business relations with some merchants all over the world because of our high quality and most attractive price. we will try our best to make our guests satisfied.
    评论:东莞市励晶机电厂外贸部 (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
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    网评:东莞市励晶机电厂外贸部坐落于中国 广东 东莞市 东莞市寮步镇向西工业区,主营行业是天线。
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